
I’m so glad I’ve piqued your curiosity.


Kids come with a never-ending string of questions, from the mundane to the profound. I believe our job as parents is to nurture that innate desire to learn about the world around them. And I know from first-hand experience that they’re capable of absorbing and appreciating much more than many adults initially assume. If given the opportunity, your pre-schooler absolutely will be passionate about much more than Paw Patrol!


But how to encourage that natural curiosity when you have work deadlines to meet, the laundry is overflowing and dinner isn’t going to make itself? We all want to encourage a lifelong love of learning, but doing so can feel daunting in the face of modern life’s never-ending pressures. Join me as I look for real-world ways to share my interests with my children — my own infinitely Curious Posterity — and help them find their own.

I relish opportunities to share great stories, places and events with my two boys. Living in Washington, D.C., there is always something new for us to explore — from festivals to museums to historic parks. OK, especially museums and historic parks; I’ve spent the last decade as editor of an award-winning military history magazine.

Thanks for being part of our  adventure!