We had the best time last week spending First Friday at the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore. I’d previously been generally in support of the concept of making cultural experiences more accessible on that predetermined day of the month. We’d even had some fun evenings enjoying the various arts demonstrations at business on Upshur Street in Petworth. But this was a whole new level of extraordinary.

I can’t say definitively that this is always the case, but the March event was far from crowded. A major windstorm had just blown through the region, which, on one hand, might have kept people away. But on the other hand, schools had been closed that day and the federal government shut down, and plenty of folks were starting to go stir crazy. Perhaps in the summer, when it stays light later into the evening crowds are larger? The museum seems to make a Facebook event for each month, so you could use that to gauge what kind of turnout to expect. I still think it would have been enjoyable even with three times the people.

Why? Well, Big Brother loved the idea of being in a museum after it should have closed, especially because it was, as he said, “for just ONE night!” Older kids familiar with the Night at the Museum movie franchise would probably be even more enamored with the idea. And I was impressed with the education staff that was on hand; it was a robust group and they were all still energetic and engaging. Maybe they brought in a second shift so the staff was fresh?

Without crowds, there was no jockeying for position at the amazing hands-on activities in Newton’s Alley. Some of these physics demonstration gadgets were a bit hard for a preschooler to manipulate independently, but without pressure to give all those behind him a turn, our little guy was able to give them several attempts, achieving better levels of success as he went.

And possibly the best part — discount admission! Entry is just $10 between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m., compared to $24.95 for adults and $18.95 for kids during the rest of the month. If you live anywhere near Baltimore, or happen to be in town at the start of the month, I highly recommend taking advantage of this great deal and fun event.

Have you found any great First Friday programs? What made them a hit with your crowd?

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